GoTrust voice encryption and mobile privacy security product entered Korean market

[耕行動裝置資訊安全的「動信科技」,在取得多國政府與企業肯定後,再下一城,與韓國知名安全 Wi-Fi代理商「MuhanBit」簽署2年獨家代理權,正式進軍韓國市場。



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Kevin Lee | | +82.10.9232.5467

GoTrustID Inc. (GoTrust) is the pioneer company providing passwordless multi-factor authentication (MFA) platform by employee’s everyday items: phone, a USB Key, or their smart badge. Our mission is to make simple & secure login anywhere and anytime. With every authenticator and server certified by FIDO, GoTrust Authentication Platform makes every employee become their own ID having effortless login to their computer, corporate systems, and cloud services. GoTrustID has twenty-four international patents granted including six US patents.